How to care othonna capensis (ruby necklace) - Plant Orbit


How to Care Othonna capensis (Ruby Necklace)-

Ruby necklace plant commonly known as Othonna Capensis is a trailing and hanging succulents generally used for hanging baskets to enhance the beauty of one ‘s balcony. In scientific terms it is called as Gloriosa superba Linn. And belong to the family Amaryllidaceae . In japan the plant is known as “Sigetu” . It is a low maintainence and slow growing plant that beautifies ones balcony from its thin pink or purple leaves . Its flowers gives dazzling appearance appearing all the year round from time to time blooming in a astounding way .

Ruby necklace is commercially used in horticulture due to its drought tolerating abilities and low maintainence condition . If the plant gets proper care and nutrition it can reach upto height of 25-30 cm or long.

Ruby necklace succulent flowers are also the national flowers of country Tanzania .

Origin :

It is a belief that the plant has some protective power . Ruby necklace originated in Europe around 1770 from a cargo ship which was bringing tea and coffee . It was also used as medicine due to its medicinal properties in the early centuries especially for lactating mothers.


Light : Ruby necklace plant prefers bright and indirect sunlight essential for their growth. To keep the red and purple colours maintained on the plant do prefer to give them morning sunlight which gives sun stress to the plants and maintain the colours. In case of winter keep your plants indoors to avoid getting any damage to the plant.

  • Temperature : These plants doesn’t like heat so prefer the cool climate with a temperature range between 16 -28 degree celcius. Maintain good air circulation around the plants so it doesn’t die eventually .
  • Fertilizer application : Use any commonly used fertilizer once or twice a month for better growth of plants . Using excessive fertilizers in plants causes deformed leaves . Compost is a better alternative than using fertilizers because it nourishes soil for a longer period of time and enhances its fertility . The best time for application of fertilizers to plants is in winters because the plant is not at growing phase at that time so it properly absorbs nutrients . The application of fertilizers should be avoided during summer months if given should be given in ample amounts that it doesn’t cause the damage to the leaves .
  • Dormancy : Ruby necklace doesn’t undergo into a full dormant stage but undergoes dormancy partially since it grow in a slow pace in winter months . The plant is tolerant to frost and steadily grows under frost conditions .
  • Water : There is an easy way to water the succulents plant is by injecting water by syringe to the plant but ruby necklace is not like other succulents it can be watered daily and soaks a good amount of water from the soil . Keep your soil moist but not wet . Allow the soil mixture to become dry while watering to avoid the root rot disease symptoms .  Root rot caused due to excessive watering is one of the major cause of damage of succulents plants.
  • SOIL: A good potting mixture is always advantageous for a plant to grow and mature . Always use a well drained potting mixture in the soil and don’t use wet soil as it creates the problem of root rot in the succulent . To make the proper soil mixture for the plant use good amount of sand and perlite to retain good amount of water in soil and avoid excessive drainage .
  • PLANTING: Plant the succulents in around 6 inches pots and hanging baskets with an appropriate soil mixture to thrive in .
  • Propogation : Propogation begins with easy steps with taking out cuttings from the plant and planting it over the dirt soil mixture and leaving it for sometime to grow and mature. Don’t water the plant after planting cutting since it can damage the cutting and the plant will not thrive .
  • TOXICITY : The plants to toxic to animals (like cats and dogs ) and birds . Due to its vibrant colours its easily attracts the creatures towards itself . Make sure you keep the plant away from preagnant women and babies.
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